Academic Policies & Procedures

IUPUC Policies

Dropping and Adding Classes

THROUGH the First Week of Fall or Spring Term
or the First Three Days of a Summer Session

Students may make changes to their schedules online from the time of their initial registration up through the end of the first day of the second week of a major term or the end of the third day of the two major summer sessions.

AFTER the First Week of Classes
or First Three Days of a Summer Session.

Depending upon timing, there are two options for requesting an add or drop:

Option 1: eDrop/eAdd

Electronic Class Drop and Add (eDrop & eAdd) have been developed so that students are able to make changes to their class schedules without having to walk paper forms to various campus offices for approvals and processing. After you submit your electronic eDrop/eAdd requests, academic advisors and others will review and approve (or disapprove, if necessary) those requests, using an electronic workflow system. The effective date of your request is the date of your submission, no matter how long the electronic approval process takes. Approved drop and/or add requests will automatically update your class schedule.

Note: Until you receive confirmation that the transaction has been approved and processed, you are not officially added to the class, but you should attend while you are waiting for approval.

Option 2: Paper Drop/Add Forms

Obtain drop (withdrawal) forms and add forms from the Office of Registrar Services. Your 10-digit university ID number is required; you can look up your university ID number by going online to One.IU and clicking on the Student Center app. See the Academic Calendar to determine whether or not you need an instructor signature or (if dropping) grade marking. Submit your completed form, including all required signatures and grade assignments, to the Office of Registrar Services prior to the deadline on the Academic Calendar.

Students receiving financial aid should consult with the Office of Student Financial Services prior to withdrawal to determine if dropping the class will affect their aid. Similarly, if a certain enrollment level is required, such as full-time, for purposes of being carried on a health insurance policy or to receive VA benefits, check to see if a drop will affect your eligibility status.

Tuition Refunds

Tuition is refunded when applicable by the Office of the Bursar on a percentage bases according to the term refund schedule. Visit the academic calendar for specific term refund schedules. In extenuating cases a student may wish to appeal for a larger refund of fees. Visit the Bursar page on procedures for filing an appeal for fees for further details.

Student Responsibilities

  • Students who alter their original schedules, whether by personal incentive or by University directive, must do so officially by the procedures outlined above. Failure to assume this responsibility may jeopardize a student's academic record by incurring an "F" in a course improperly dropped and/or by not receiving credit for a course improperly added.
  • Be aware that not attending a class and or not paying for a class are not enough to cause the course to be officially dropped. As a student, you are responsible for dropping any course you do not plan to attend.
  • Students who accumulate an excessive number of W's on their records may be deemed to not be making satisfactory academic progress on their degree. If such a determination is made they may be blocked from registering by their school and may risk restrictions or loss of financial aid.